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Elvirochka45 página de sex chat

We are walking carefree somewhere in nature. We are very good with each other. Each touch gives an incomparable sensation. All new. And a keen sense of closeness of a man, and his timid attempts to snuggle up to me, and the sweet taste of first kisses.

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Sobre Este Modelo

  • Nombre : Elvirochka45
  • Sexo : Mujer
  • Preferencia sexual : Straight
  • Idiomas que hablo: Inglés
  • Signo del zodíaco : Libra
  • País: Rusia


  • Altura: 5'8" (1.73m)
  • Peso: 102 lbs (46kg)
  • Color de pelo : Blanco
  • Color de ojos : Avellana
  • Tipo de cuerpo : Atlética
  • Origen étnico : Blanca
  • Tamaño de los senos : C
  • Vello púbico : Velluda
  • Medidas: 31-35-28" (79-89-71cm)


  • Audio
  • HD (mejor calidad)

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Lo que me atrae

He turns and presses against me. His hand strokes my hair, and his lips gently kiss my face. Another moment and our lips have already merged in a kiss, and his hands wander all over my body. Oh, how nice it is. Now my blouse is unbuttoned and the sight of

Mi especialidad

It seems that some kind of sweet energy flows from them. I let my panties take off. But this is clearly not enough for him. For a while I cease to feel his touch, and again his hands caress my body, but what is it? His knee gently but firmly squeezed betw

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