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KarissaSantorini página de cam girl

my Shows will include different things weekly! I'm not opposed to masturbating outside Private chat, I'm very outgoing :) I love to dance, strip, explore peoples fantasies. So feel free to tell me some and I will dress up for you ;) dedication to my fans

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  • Color de pelo : Rubio
  • Tipo de cuerpo : Promedio
  • Origen étnico : Blanca


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    Acerca de KarissaSantorini

    Lo que me atrae

    I love when men tell me exactly what they want, I love decisiveness. I love to dirty talk so bring that into my room and youre welcome here ;) I am a sucker for sarcasm. I cant help it aha! I love a man that notices things other dont.

    Mi especialidad

    I'm decent at strip dancing. It's actually something I love doing and puts me in a great mood, I'm actually a pretty good therapist when it comes to problems so if youre having an off day, I'll help you twice ;) And for the shy ones out there, dont be! :)

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