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NikkiLordxoxo página de sex chat

I Like lots of dirty talk directing me of how to turn you on and make me come I especially love looking at you wanking off and shooting your load while looking at me nice close up shots of my tight pussy you wont be disappointed its as real as you can

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Sobre Este Modelo


  • Altura: 5'2" (1.57m)
  • Peso: 126 lbs (57kg)
  • Color de pelo : Rubio
  • Color de ojos : Verdes
  • Tipo de cuerpo : Esbelto
  • Origen étnico : Blanca
  • Tamaño de los senos : B
  • Vello púbico : Sin vello
  • Medidas: 34-28-31" (86-71-79cm)


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    Acerca de NikkiLordxoxo

    Lo que me atrae

    In my show I like it if you lead me but I am also very good at leading the action if you prefer I especially enjoy guys who I can see are getting nice and hard for me then fingering myself letting you see how thoroughly wet you have got me then toy play

    Mi especialidad

    I get turned on by guys who find me attractive and just want to fuck me and get me hot and horny

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