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Imagen de perfil de modelo de cámara web de SweetShell018

SweetShell018 página de sex chat

rest assured i will be touching myself as well as inserting artificial means...until we get off., Anything in between is between you and me.

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Sobre Este Modelo


  • Altura: 5'7" (1.7m)
  • Peso: 135 lbs (61kg)
  • Color de pelo : Rubio
  • Color de ojos : Avellana
  • Tipo de cuerpo : Promedio
  • Origen étnico : Blanca
  • Tamaño de los senos : B
  • Vello púbico : Sin vello
  • Medidas: 34-29-26" (86-74-66cm)


  • Audio
  • HD (mejor calidad)

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Acerca de SweetShell018

Lo que me atrae

my sexy man turns me on. the thought of him watching turns me on.i get thinking about him and i just gotta touch myself, i get turned on when i think about a woman teaching me for the first time , how to please a woman.

Mi especialidad

never ate a pussy before but willing to try if someone shows me how

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