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Imagen de perfil de modelo de cámara web de sarahjoyxx

sarahjoyxx página de sex chat

I love doing every special moment, that's why I make sure to know exactly what you want and be able to please from the first moment. Dare to tell me your darkest desires.

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Sobre Este Modelo


  • Altura: 5'3" (1.6m)
  • Peso: 104 lbs (47kg)
  • Color de pelo : Negro
  • Color de ojos : Marrones
  • Tipo de cuerpo : Musculoso
  • Origen étnico : Blanca
  • Tamaño de los senos : B
  • Vello púbico : Sin vello
  • Medidas: 33-30-26" (84-76-66cm)


  • Audio
  • HD (mejor calidad)

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Acerca de sarahjoyxx

Lo que me atrae

I`m sometime sweet and nice , sometime moody or fiesty (i been told) , most of time naughty...but i m myself Well i dont have a certain type of show, i like to give pleasure and thats why i would like to know what turn u on and which is your deepest desi.

Mi especialidad

My hottest fantasy , mmmmmm, is making love on beach...while feeling the ocean breeze and hearing the waves that break on shore , seeing the sun rising , smelling your body scent and tasting your lips while you slow biting mine...

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