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Sweett_milf immagine del profilo del modello di cam

Sweett_milf Pagina Sex Chat

You will be able to appreciate my full cuteness, I don't say so. You be the judge. I'll model my breasts and their big nipples. If you want me to seduce you I'll but then don't regret it; because I will show that at all times.

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A proposito di questo modello


  • Altezza: 5'3" (1.6m)
  • Peso: 144 lbs (65kg)
  • Colore dei capelli : Marroni
  • Colore degli occhi : Marroni
  • Tipo di corpo : Media
  • Razza : Ispanica
  • Dimensioni del seno : B
  • Peli pubici : Pelosa
  • Misure: 36-31-39" (91-79-99cm)


  • Audio
  • HD (migliore qualità)

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Info su Sweett_milf

Cosa mi eccita

What turns me on the most is you can appreciate me without hurry, if you are in a hurry it won't work. What I enjoy most is being genuine, modeling, whipping me, bouncing my big breasts, looking to your eyes with my sweet face and fucking me to please you


I have enough experience to please you in your desires, let me show you. There are several things I don't know, but why not let an expert guide me. I am open to learn, as long as I want to learn. Just give me your proposal.

Le mie foto

Interprete Sweett_milf Foto 1

Interprete Sweett_milf Foto 1

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Interprete Sweett_milf Foto 2

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Interprete Sweett_milf Foto 3

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