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YtochkaWop immagine del profilo del modello di cam

YtochkaWop Pagina Sex Chat

Having fun for both of us. Talk to me, explain what are you looking for and we will see if we can do something about it! Kisses you! I will do a lot to make you happy communicating with me.

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A proposito di questo modello


  • Altezza: 5'2" (1.57m)
  • Peso: 91 lbs (41kg)
  • Colore dei capelli : Tinti
  • Colore degli occhi : Grigi
  • Tipo di corpo : Media
  • Razza : Bianca
  • Dimensioni del seno : B
  • Peli pubici : Glabra
  • Misure: 36-24-36" (91-61-91cm)


  • Audio
  • HD (migliore qualità)

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Info su YtochkaWop

Cosa mi eccita

muscularity, sense of humor, shaven, beard, neck, veins on the hands, well-groomed hair and appearance, education, wealth or desire for it.


I sing professionally, I have a creative nature and approach to everything around me, it's hard to hear something when they speak softly, but without diagnoses, I am a future primary school teacher, I love bdsm and tenderness.

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