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barbiefoxlite immagine del profilo del modello di cam

barbiefoxlite Pagina Cam Girl

In Private, I can touch myself, play close-UPS, dirty conversations, one - on-one, C2C, . For you, I can be a submissive or a dominant. Always ready to try new interesting things. And of course I want to be as close as possible people with you

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A proposito di questo modello


  • Altezza: 5'8" (1.73m)
  • Peso: 121 lbs (55kg)
  • Colore dei capelli : Marroni
  • Colore degli occhi : Verdi
  • Tipo di corpo : Snella
  • Razza : Bianca
  • Dimensioni del seno : B
  • Peli pubici : Glabra
  • Misure: 35-24-35" (89-61-89cm)


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    I get turned on by people who are free from shackles and love sex in all its manifestations. Let I much detail'll tell you about this personally in chat and C2C?)))


    In Private, I can touch myself, play close-UPS, dirty conversations, one - on-one, C2C, . For you, I can be a submissive or a dominant. Always ready to try new interesting things. And of course I want to be as close as possible people with you

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